
Our Treatment

Mommy Make-Over


A mommy makeover (or post-pregnancy surgery) can include a variety of procedures to restore your body to its original shape before pregnancy. The procedure usually focuses on the breasts and abdomen. Our experts will consult you to determine the best procedure for you. For example, we may recommend that you perform a tummy tuck, breast lift or leg, arm, or torso liposuction.

It is an easy-to-understand term that refers to a special combination of body contouring procedures that can be performed together to improve long-term body changes after pregnancy. One of the reasons for the popularity is that there is no fixed ingredient in mom's makeover. Each procedure is tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. However, surgical methods usually start with breast and abdominal contour surgery and then add other elements as needed.

To experience the best Mommy Makeover, visit Orange Tree in South Delhi, known as the best center for body contouring surgeries in Delhi.

Your mommy makeover includes:

  • Breast lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Reduction
  • Tummy tuck
  • Liposuction

Breast implants can restore fullness and lost volume, while breast lifts help lift loose skin to improve its shape. Nowadays, breast augmentation is safer and more effective than ever, we use Keller's funnel as a non-contact method to reduce the chance of infection and capsular contracture. Allergan breast implants, Nagor, Motiva breast implant are quite popular. For people with large and uncomfortable breasts, breast reduction surgery can produce a smaller, more desirable appearance.

To further improve the figure, commonly used techniques can include abdominal plastic surgery (also known as abdominal folds, abdominal plastic surgery, and liposuction.), but women do not have to stay here; mom’s makeover can also include thigh lifts, arms Lifting, or depending on the recommended surgical procedures, the mother can be changed in one operation, or for safety reasons, the mother can be changed in multiple times.

Measures to be taken after the surgery
  • The mommy makeover will be performed as an outpatient procedure – this allows you to recover at home. To get more help in the first 24 hours, your surgeon may recommend that you use an overnight recovery kit.
  • Your recovery may take one to two weeks – although it depends on the specific procedures included in your mom’s makeover, you should plan for a recovery time of up to two weeks during which you will feel soreness, bruising, and swelling.
  • You will need the help of the whole house a few days after your makeover, you will feel tired and tender and unable to carry out daily chores; enlist the help of family or friends.
  • Do not drive until you stop using certain pain medicines-the the surgeon will prescribe the necessary pain medicines to make you feel comfortable but do not follow behind when taking anesthetics.
  • The swelling can last for six months or more-although a mommy makeover change will bring some immediate benefits, the full results cannot be assessed until all the swelling subsides. This may take three to six months’ results.