Are you ready for BBL or brazillian butt lift surgery

Flaunting the buttocks is not new but with the fashion of body hugging attire has made it more popular. Curvaceous and voluminous butts is another dimension of beauty and adds tremendous sex appeal. Though the trend is more common in females but it has caught up with the males as well.

The common methods to enhance the buttocks are buttock fat transfer (Brazilian butt lift), gluteal implants or filler injections. Each surgery has its own pros and cons. Brazilian butt lift procedure brings about the buttock enhancement by own body fat taken out from other parts of the body. Harvested fat is generally removed from the tummy or thighs using tumescence liposuction technique. After separating the fluid from the fat, the fat is injected in layers underneath the skin. The procedure does not require big cuts so the scar is inconspicuous. Fat injection gives a significant enlargement of buttocks but the limiting factor is the amount of fat that can be removed.

Are you the right person to request for the buttock enhancement. Do you feel the butts are flat. Are there skin puckering due to cellulite. Do you find the buttocks not symmetrical. If you want to correct any of these, you can consult your plastic surgeon. Our renowned Plastic surgeon will take you through the journey of butt lift surgery. The artistic inputs which is a strong fortress of our best plastic surgeon will be nicely stated, details of the surgery explained so that they can take you through the journey to recovery.