What You Should Not Do Before a Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic surgeries in India. A survey found that liposuction is considered extremely safe by 86.1% of surgeons. Although liposuction is the second most commonly performed cosmetic surgery after breast augmentation, it should not be treated as a routine procedure. 

Dr. Sajal Halder, director and chief surgeon of aesthetic surgery at OrangeTreeClinic, recommends that you follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure a safe and smooth liposuction procedure.

This article explains what liposuction surgery is and what you should avoid before undergoing it. 

What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction surgery, also known as lipoplasty or suction-assisted lipectomy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. During the surgery, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted through small incisions, and fat cells are suctioned out. Liposuction can help sculpt and contour areas such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hips, arms, and chin. 

Things Not to Do Before Having a Liposuction Procedure:

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, so it’s important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss candidacy and expectations. To minimize the risk and improve final outcome, here are some don’ts that you must avoid before going for liposuction surgery treatment

Not Disclosing Your Medical History:

One of the most critical aspects of preparing for liposuction surgery is disclosing your complete medical history to your plastic surgeon. This includes any previous surgeries, medical conditions, allergies, medications, and supplements you’re currently taking. Failing to disclose this information could lead to complications during or after the procedure. Your surgeon needs a comprehensive understanding of your health to ensure your safety and optimize the results of your liposuction.

Taking Harmful Medicine and Supplements:

Certain medications and supplements can increase the risk of bleeding and other complications during liposuction surgery. It’s essential to inform your surgeon about all medications and supplements you’re taking, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. Your surgeon may advise you to stop taking certain medications and supplements before the procedure to reduce the risk of adverse effects. Common substances to avoid before surgery include blood thinners, aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, and some herbal supplements.

Smoking a Few Weeks Prior to Liposuction:

Smoking can significantly impair the body’s ability to heal and increase the risk of complications during surgery. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes constrict blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the skin and tissues. This can impair wound healing and increase the risk of infection and tissue necrosis (death). To minimize these risks, it’s crucial to quit smoking or refrain from smoking for at least 6 to 8 weeks before and after liposuction surgery in Delhi. Your surgeon may recommend a specific timeline for smoking cessation to optimize your results and reduce the risk of complications.

Uncontrolled Weight Loss or Gain:

Maintaining a stable weight before liposuction surgery is essential for achieving optimal results. Significant fluctuations in weight can affect the distribution of fat in your body and compromise the outcome of the procedure. Additionally, undergoing liposuction when you’re significantly overweight can increase the risk of complications and lead to unsatisfactory results. Conversely, losing a significant amount of weight after liposuction can affect the appearance of your results. It’s essential to achieve a stable weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise before considering liposuction surgery.

What Not to Do 24 Hours Before Surgery?

In the crucial 24 hours leading up to your liposuction surgery, it’s vital to avoid the following:

  • Eating or Drinking: Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding fasting to prevent complications during anesthesia.
  • Shaving Hairs: Refrain from shaving the surgical site where liposuction will be performed. Shaving can lead to ingrown hairs and potential infections post-surgery.
  • Tight Clothing: Avoid wearing very tight or uncomfortable clothing to the hospital. Opt for loose, comfortable attire to ensure ease and comfort during your journey home following discharge.
  • Apply Body Creams: The use of moisturizer or body creams the day before your liposuction surgery can interfere with the surgical process and increase the risk of complications. 

Furthermore, follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully to ensure optimal preparation for your liposuction procedure.

Orange Tree Clinic – Plan Your Liposuction Surgery in Delhi

If you are searching for a top aesthetic and liposuction surgeon, Orange Tree Clinic’s Dr. Sajal and his expert team are your best choice. At Orange Tree Clinic, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals safely and effectively. Our experienced team of plastic surgeons will guide you through every step of the liposuction process, from the initial consultation to post-operative care. We prioritize personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and desires, ensuring you feel confident and comfortable throughout your journey. With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to excellence over the last 12 years, you can trust us to deliver outstanding results. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a slimmer, more defined shape.

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